Have you heard about all the benefits of Berberine yet? It's a hot product right now for good reason. It's being praised for its ability to reduce obesity, insulin resistance, and LDL (the bad cholesterol) while helping to raise the good cholesterol, HDL. (1)
Berberine activates an enzyme known as AMPK, activated protein kinase, which plays a key role in regulating the metabolism and the energy levels in the cells of the body. When AMPK is regulated, the body is balanced but when it becomes dysregulated obesity, inflammation, diabetes and cancer may occur. (2)
“Berberine can help diabetes, high blood pressure and lipid levels,” notes Dr. Bradley. “Combine berberine with lifestyle changes, like losing weight, and it can positively affect those conditions. Berberine works at a cellular level and changes how cells work by turning things off and on.” (3)
Berberine helps with:
1. Decreasing insulin resistance
2. Your body's ability to break down sugars inside of the cell
3. Decreasing sugar production in your liver
4. Slowing the breakdown of carboydrates in the gut
5. Increasing the good bacteria in the gut
6. Lowering A1C and LDL
7. Inhibiting the growth of fat cells
8. Decreasing C reactive protein- an inflammation marker
9. Reducing body weight
10. Reducing the growth of harmful bacteria and cancer cells
Part I of our New Weight Loss Nutritionals!
A 12-week study in people with obesity, taking 500 milligrams of Berberine three times per day caused about 5 pounds of weight loss, on average. The participants also lost 3.6% of their body fat as well. (4)
Our Berberine supplement is just the beginning to our Weight Loss Nutritionals as we have another in the works which we are hoping to release late summer/early fall. So starting with Berberine will give you a reboot to your metabolism and get your cells ready for Part II of our upcoming release! 😁