The Answer to Cardiovascular Events

The Answer to Cardiovascular Events

The Answer to Cardiovascular Events

What does this hard to pronounce product have to do with inflammation and cardiovascular health? So glad you asked as we're elated to tell you about Nattokinase! It's been on our radar for a very long time since it's an enzyme and as you know, enzymes have been our favorite topic for years. 

Natto, fermented soybeans, has been a traditional food in Asian countries for over 2,000 years. It is considered to be one of the greatest factors as to why the Japanese culture has been blessed with longevity. In the 1980's, it was discovered that natto contained a potent fibrinolytic enzyme called nattokinase. It had amazing properties at breaking down fibrin clots (blood clots), inflammation, oxidative stress, and hypertension. 

"The most unique feature of Nattokinase is that, as a single compound, it possesses multiple Cardiovascular disease preventative and alleviating pharmacologic effects (namely, antithrombotic, antihypertensive, anticoagulant, anti-atherosclerotic, and neuroprotective effects). There are no other drugs or drug candidates with multiple pharmacologic properties similar to Nattokinase. In addition, Nattokinase is a natural product that can be administered orally, has a proven safety profile, is economical to use, and provides distinct advantages over other pharmaceutical products."

Inflammation, known as the silent killer, is caused by higher levels of proteins in the blood which can lead to thicker, slower moving blood causing the pressure to rise and boom, you have high blood pressure. Nattokinase helps to break down the excess proteins and fibrins in the blood thereby reducing the inflammation and preventing cardiovascular disease.

Nattokinase also breaks down Biofilms! 

Biofilms are a protective shield that microbes utilize to hide from our immune system. They are usually found in the mucous membranes in the body which the GI tract is lined with. The bacteria and viruses that hide out are not the healthy ones you want but instead the harmful ones. They can lay dormant evading the immune system or they can cause chronic issues that are extremely hard to eradicate or diagnose because they are so hidden in the biofilm. This is where Nattokinase can be utilized to digest the protein makeup of the film itself allowing the body's immune system to target the invader and eliminate it. Adding our Berberine product to further assist our immune system in the removal would be highly recommended as well! 

Nattokinase is the perfect product for anyone wanting to prevent or currently dealing with any cardiovascular issues. We also couple Nattokinase with Bromelain, Tumeric, and Black Pepper so inflammation doesn't stand a chance when taken on a regular basis. It's best to consume on an empty stomach so the inflammation will be targeted and we'd recommend 2-4 capsules daily depending on the issue. 

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